
What you told us

We asked for your input on our Child Safe Action Plan, which we received some valuable feedback on.

Thank you for participating and helping us develop this plan.

You can download the full Engagement outcomes report for a detailed description of what you told us.

The snapshot below provides a summary of the consultation and the feedback we received.

Engagement summary


We are committed to ensuring that children feel safe at all times when in our facilities and accessing our services.

So much so, that back in 2018 we commenced development of an action plan to achieve that objective.

Our Child Safe Action Plan outlines actions Council will take to ensure its meets the 10 standards which form the basis of new legislation as part of the NSW Child-Safe Scheme.

The Plan relates to Council facilities and programs, and does not extend to areas outside Council’s influence, like schools, churches or other organisations or activities.

View the Child Safe Action Plan below

To view the Child Safe Action Plan document in full-screen in the interactive PDF viewer above, select the bracket icon at the bottom-right side the toolbar to enable full-screen.

If you are having trouble viewing the document in the interactive PDF viewer, you may also download the full Child Action Plan in the Document library on this page.

How to have your say

The opportunity for feedback closed on 15 February 2022. Thank you to all those who commented on our draft plan. Your feedback is important and was considered in finalising the plan.

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