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What young people told us

  • More things to do

    Provide a wider range of activities and events

  • More support

    • Help young people access support like mental health services
    • Help to find a job
  • Improve safety

    Provide safe and inclusive community spaces for young people to hang out.

What parents, carers and service providers said

  • There are gaps in programs and services

    Including mental health, counseling and diagnostic services, medical and allied health, and safe and affordable accommodation.

  • Young people need more things to do

    Need improved recreational facilities, more activities and events.

  • Improve access to programs, services & activities

    Cost, location and lack of available transport, along with limited places, make many existing programs, services and activities inaccessible for our young people

How you had your say

How we informed you

During the engagement we asked the community if there was one thing you could do to make life better for young people on the MidCoast, what would it be? Here are the responses.

20 July, 2024

Anonymous says:

Mental health and support services for children - also support services for them for parent/S living with a chronic or terminal illness.

20 July, 2024

Anonymous says:

Secure housing, day&after schoolcare managed by (their) parents in turn, paid compensation? Teenage guidance & games.

20 July, 2024

Anonymous says:

We are in desperate need for a decent play area for the little ones. I have 7 grand children and I take them out of the area to parks etc.

20 July, 2024

Anonymous says:

1. If they have an idea how to make things better, let THEM organise it & give them a budget. 2. Take this question to brainstorm in schools

20 July, 2024

Anonymous says:

Give them a sense of meaning and they'll flourish,but don't nurture them and they'll become like a weed !!

17 July, 2024

TaziDevil says:

As teens we had AFFORDABLE "youth groups" for social activities, that is missing now or just simply not affordable.

17 July, 2024

Anonymous says:

More activities that are government funded or an affordable price. As a low income family we could never afford social activities for them.

16 July, 2024

Anonymous says:

more regular bus transport to major towns like Forster Newcastle Taree very hard almost impossible to get to Forster by bus before 9am week

16 July, 2024

Anonymous says:

Plan more cycle ways around our areas to provide safe places for families to encourage more outdoor activity & showcase our rivers, etc

15 July, 2024

Anonymous says:

Support Groups / Social Groups

15 July, 2024

Anonymous says:

Empowerment. Let’s give this next generation the power to succeed. The pandemic has destroyed their confidence. Isolation took from them.

9 July, 2024

Anonymous says:

More mentoring programs in schools to help at risk children especially from difficult situations such as DV/homelessness/mental health etc

What's next?

The feedback received during this consultation will inform the Children and Young People's Action Plan. The final plan will be put on public exhibition for community feedback before being endorsed by Council.

We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which we work and live, the Gathang-speaking people and pay our respects to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who now reside in the MidCoast Council area. We extend our respect to elders past and present, and to all future cultural-knowledge holders.

Contact us


General enquiries - (02)7955 7777

Open Monday - Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm (excluding public holidays)

Full contact information

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Our commitments to you

We deliver benefits for our community in a way that adds value and builds trust.

Why we are engaging

We are committed to engaging with our community in a meaningful way to support decision making, plan for projects, and to strengthen our communities.

By inviting your participation, we aim to create a sense of belonging, connection and involvement, and ultimately greater ownership of decisions by the whole community.

Have Your Say is our online tool for dynamic digital community engagement and provides an opportunity to stay informed and share what matters to you.