Property description: 70 Carmona Lane, Forster NSW 2428

Legal Description: Lot 305 DP 1240455

Proposed development: Subdivision – 126 lots

Applicant: Serenitas Management Pty Ltd

Other approvals: Integrated Development – Section 91 Water Management Act 2000 / Section 100B Rural Fires Act 1997

Consent Authority: MidCoast Council is the consent authority and the Hunter and Central Coast Regional Planning Panel is the determining authority for the proposal.

Approval bodies: Natural Resources Access Regulator, and NSW Rural Fire Service

On exhibition until: 4:30pm Monday 10 October 2022

Make a submission

Submissions closed at 4:30pm Monday 10 October 2022.

How to make a submission - information hub

Want to write a successful submission to Council? Find out all the information you need to know in making a submission on a development application.