Development proposal - DA2021/2128 - 91-95 Marine Drive Tea Gardens NSW 2324

Closed 4:30pm 27 June 2022

Property description: 91-95 Marine Drive Tea Gardens NSW 2324

Property address: Lot 1 DP 1021873

Proposed development: Shop top housing. Council requested a re-design of the development to provide a development which was more compatible with both the existing character and desired future urban character of the streetscape and wider locality.

  • Deletion of one-storey of the northern building fronting Marine Drive;
  • New three-storey mixed-use building within the southern section of the site fronting Myall Street.

Applicant: Sandro Developments

Consent Authority: MidCoast Council

View application: On our website or at our Council offices

On exhibition until: 4:30pm Monday 27 June 2022

Make a submission

Please ensure you provide feedback by 4.30pm Monday 27 June 2022.

Submissions can be made by clicking the 'Make a submission' link below.

Submissions must be made in accordance with our guidelines and to meet legislative requirements. Please visit our website to check our guidelines.

How to make a submission - information hub

Want to write a successful submission to Council? Find out all the information you need to know in making a submission on a development application.