Property description: 4 Lake Street, Forster NSW 2428

Property address: Lot 6 DP1270306

Proposal: In September 2017 the Hunter Central Coast Regional Planning Panel approved DA-521/2017 for a mixed-use development containing a range of uses including civic/community, commercial, residential, seniors living, tourist and strata subdivision.

The applicant now proposes a series of modifications to the approved development:

  • Altering basement and upper level parking areas as a result of changed parking demand resulting from conditions in the consent that remove the cinemas, childcare centre and nightclub.
  • Rearrangement of commercial layout at Ground Level.
  • Use of space within the building that was allocated for cinemas, etc., as seniors housing and associated uses.
  • Removal of hotel in Stage 4 and replacement with retail space, seniors housing and associated parking and communal areas.
  • Creation of amended communal spaces within the approved seniors housing area.
  • Alterations to waste management areas.
  • Amended Staging Arrangements.

Applicant: Tailored Planning Solutions Pty Ltd

Consent Authority: MidCoast Council is the consent authority and the Hunter and Central Coast Regional Planning Panel is the determining authority for the proposal.

On exhibition until: 4:30pm Tuesday 18 October 2022

Make a submission

Submissions closed at 4:30pm Tuesday 18 October 2022.