About the planning proposal

During 2022 we asked for your feedback on a draft planning proposal to rezone land from RU2 - Rural Landscape to RU2 - Low Density Residential and C2 - Environmental Conservation under Great Lakes Local Environmental Plan 2014 on part Lot 72 DP 1273289 (formerly part Lot 303 DP 1099114), Myall Drive, South Forster.

Following this period of public exhibition and consideration of the submissions received, Council submitted an amendment to the Great Lakes Local Environment Plan 2014 to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment for the gazettal of the rezoning of the land.

This was finalised by the NSW Government and the land rezoned in early 2023.

The land was identified in our Urban Release Areas Report 2021 for rezoning to provide low density residential and environmental opportunities. This rezoning represented the final stage of the Fairview West (now called Summer Green) development and will link the existing Myall Drive to the east with the part of Myall Drive being constructed in the north as part of an approved subdivision. The rezoning will also permit a minor extension to the approved subdivision, estimated to provide an additional 16 houses.

In summary, the Planning Proposal sought to:

  • Amend the zoning from RU2 - Rural Landscape to R2 - Low Density Residential and C2 – Environmental Conservation.
  • Amend the lot size for subdivision from 40 hectares to 450m2 in the area to be zoned R2 - Low Density Residential.
  • Amend the floor space ratio from 0.4:1 to 0.5:1 in the area to be zoned R2 - Low Density Residential.

The planning proposal only relates to the rezoning of the subject land. Subsequent development would undergo a separate exhibition process.

Property: Part of Lot 72 DP 1273289 (formerly part Lot 303 DP 1099114), Myall Drive, Forster NSW 2428.

Figures 1 and 2 – Subject land location

Figures 1 and 2 – Subject land location

The main objective of the draft planning proposal is to change the zoning of the subject land from RU2 – Rural Landscape to R2 - Low Density Residential and C2 - Environmental Conservation, as shown in Figures 3 and 4 below.

Figures 3 and 4 – Current and proposed zoning map

Figures 3 and 4 – Current and proposed zoning map

For more information about the proposed Draft Planning Proposal visit the NSW Planning Portal directly (search under Mid-Coast Council) https://www.planningportal.nsw.gov.au/ppr/under%20exhibition.


Stage one
  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Public exhibition period

    31 August 2022 –11 October 2022

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Consideration of submissions

    October - December 2022

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    Council decision

    14 December 2022

  • Timeline item 4 - complete

    Submission to Department of Planning for finalisation

    December 2022

  • Timeline item 5 - complete

    LEP amendment made

    February 2022

Contact us

Have questions or want to learn more about a project, contact us below:

Name MidCoast Council
Phone 02 7955 7777
Email council@midcoast.nsw.gov.au