An ageing water pipe that runs along Blackhead Road from the intersection of The Lakes Way to Black Head village was replaced to reduce maintenance issues and account for population growth in the area. A portion of water pipe that runs along Diamond Beach Road was also replaced.

The water pipes that were in place had deteriorated over time and were sustaining regular breakages. This was interrupting water supply to the surrounding areas and resulting in unnecessary water loss. Maintenance crews were subsequently being dispatched to fix the pipes on a recurring basis, which is a costly and inefficient use of resources.

Around 5.5km of pipework along Blackhead Road and Diamond Beach Road was decommissioned and replaced. The pipe along Blackhead Road was upgraded from 250mm to 375mm, while the pipe along Diamond Beach Road was upgraded from 150mm to 300mm.

The new pipes will significantly reduce the risk of water interruptions occurring as the result of breakages.

The increased size of the pipes will also ensure water can be supplied to more users as the population grows.