This project addressed historical issues with Gloucester's water supply network and replaced infrastructure that had deteriorated over time.

We are also committed to improving Gloucester’s water security in the long term, however this is an expensive project that will require considerable investigation and extensive community consultation.

Due to the height and location of Gloucester’s existing reservoirs, it’s not possible to provide adequate water pressure to some parts of the town without the use of pressure booster pump stations. These boosters cause continuous pressure fluctuations and fail completely during power outages.

The existing reservoirs are also in poor condition and need to be replaced.

A seven megalitre main service reservoir constructed at ground level and a small elevated service reservoir will be built at Council’s existing Cemetery Road site. The reservoirs will be connected to the water treatment plant via a new rising main that will be constructed from the showground.

A gravity water main will be constructed from the Cemetery Road reservoir site to the industrial area. Several existing gravity mains will also be upgraded throughout the network, allowing the old infrastructure to be decommissioned.

The upgrade will largely eliminate the need for pressure booster pump stations* and ensure adequate water pressure is supplied to all parts of the town. The project will also make efficient use of existing land and infrastructure, with no need to acquire new land.

The additional storage capacity provided by the new reservoirs will also prove beneficial during wet weather events, as they will reduce the need to draw from the Barrington River during times of high turbidity. This will greatly reduce the risk to the drinking water system and make it a lot easier for our operators to guarantee the treated water quality.

* The Showground Road Booster Pump Station that supplies water pressure to Barrington will continue to operate as normal as there is a back-up generator in place to protect against power outages. Pressure boosting will continue to be required for some properties south of Gloucester, around Jacks Road.

Click here to see a map of the project.

The Grey-crowned Babbler is listed as vulnerable to extinction in New South Wales under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995. A local population of this species uses land and habitat adjoining the proposed new reservoir site.

We are committed to minimising the impacts of these important works on the Babbler and other local threatened species. The protection of the Babblers' habitat around the reservoir site is part of our plan. This existing vegetation also provides for the screening of the new reservoirs for the visual amenity of nearby residents.

With the detailed design phase now completed, we have assessed the impacts of the project on the community and the local environment. This is documented within a Review of Environmental Factors. The Review sets out all of the environmental safeguards to be implemented as part of the work. We have included actions to enhance and protect the Babblers’ habitat within the project.

View the Review of Environmental Factors here.

A key focus will be on limiting the area of important habitat that is disturbed during construction. We are also proposing to implement a range of other active measures during and after the construction phase, including habitat restoration, new plantings, information signage and ecological fire management of the Reserve.

Once complete, the reservoir project will be low impact on the surrounding environment as it won't generate noise or excessive activity onsite.