A new sewer pump station is scheduled to be built at the western end of Banyula Drive, Old Bar as part of a $1.95 million project to service increased development in the area.

Additional sewer infrastructure is needed to service the increased demand for land and housing in Old Bar between Red Gum Road and Forest Lane.

Old Bar sewer pump station 3 is also reaching capacity in terms of the volume of sewage it can treat during wet weather events, which poses a threat to the natural environment.

A sewer pump station will be built at the western end of Banyula Drive along with a rising main that will connect it directly to Old Bar Sewage Treatment Plant. A rising main will also be constructed between the new pump station and Old Bar sewer pump station 3 (at the eastern end of Banyula Drive). This will allow sewage to be diverted from the old pump station to the new pump station.

The new sewer pump station and rising mains will service the increased development occurring in Old Bar between Red Gum Road and Forest Lane. The new developments will provide greater housing diversity and promote economic growth in Old Bar.

Diverting sewage from Old Bar sewer pump station 3 to the new sewer pump station will also reduce the risk of sewer overflows occurring, minimising the threat to the natural environment.