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The Draft Community Strategic Plan 2035 is on public exhibition until Monday 3 March 2025.

We will consider all feedback before finalising the Plan. Council will then endorse the plan so that it can be implemented.

What are we doing:

We review the Community Strategic Plan every four years and each time we want to check in with our community to see what has changed and make sure the plan reflects these changes.

Why are we doing this:

This plan sets out our community’s long-term vision and the outcomes that matter to you. The plan is used by Council, and other agencies to plan for our region’s future.

We review our plan every four years to ensure when our new Councillors come on board after a Local Government election, there is a clear direction from the community on what is important to them.

How is my feedback used?

Your feedback will help shape our future, through this plan that will set our path for 2025-2035. We include priorities from the Community Strategic Plan when we develop actions in annual plans. Some actions are Council’s responsibility to deliver. For other actions, we work with community, State and Federal Government stakeholders to support their delivery of outcomes.

Engagement outcomes

A look at what you told us during the consultation and how we kept you informed.