
MidCoast Council's inaugural Cultural Plan supports the strengthening of the region’s creatives and helps invigorate the local economy.

The plan helps to prioritise projects, support cultural infrastructure projects, leverage Council and community groups with State and Federal funding bodies, as well as further educate the MidCoast community about the value of culture.

To view the MidCoast Cultural Plan 2036 document in full-screen, select the bracket icon at the bottom-right side the toolbar.

You may also download the full MidCoast Cultural Plan 2036

A strengths-based approach

The MidCoast Cultural Plan 2036 is prepared around four key areas below that respond to community priorities identified in earlier consultation:
  • Landscapes and public places

    The rich and diverse tapestry of landscapes across MidCoast Council that can be improved through culture.

  • First Nations and cultural diversity

    MidCoast Council recognises what was and always will be Aboriginal land and many nationalities that now call it home.

  • Creative and industry

    The region has a vibrant creative community made up of individual artists, collectives and cultural practitioners.

  • Infrastructure and spaces

    Facilities and services that improve our health and wellbeing, are catalysts for economic development and a home for cultural exhibition and production.

How did we get here?

A multi-faceted community engagement process began in July 2020, with more than 650 community members sharing their ideas.

A Cultural Plan Reference Group was established to provide support throughout the development of the draft plan and included two councillors, eight community members and representatives from Arts Mid North Coast and Destination North Coast.

The second round of engagement ran over September and October 2020.

Feedback provided during both rounds of engagement helped Council prepare a Cultural Plan that is anchored in local conversation and research and supports the creative and cultural life of residents, workers and visitors.

The draft plan was on public exhibition for community feedback from March - May 2021.

The MidCoast Cultural Plan 2036 was adopted on by the elected Council on 2 June 2021.

Project timeline

  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Community engagement and research

    Workshops with the community and creative practitioners, stakeholders interviews and engagement with state agencies.

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Development of the Discussion Paper

    Development of the discussion paper on background research and engagement findings.

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    Report to Council

    Update Council on the Plan and propose public exhibition.

  • Timeline item 4 - complete

    Under review

    Contributions to this exhibition are closed for evaluation and review.

  • Timeline item 5 - complete


    Draft plan approved for public exhibition and public comments were invited from Wednesday 30 September 2020 until 4:30pm Monday 26 October 2020.

  • Timeline item 6 - complete

    Review of Public Feedback and Adoption of the Final Plan

    Contributions to the public exhibition closed at 04:30 pm Friday 7 May 2021 for evaluation and review. Feedback was reported back to Council and used to inform the final Plan.

  • Timeline item 7 - complete

    Final report to Council

    The final MidCoast Cultural Plan 2036 was adopted by Council on Wednesday 2 June 2021. Minutes for this Council meeting can be viewed here.