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This plan was developed from community feedback during 2023-2024. The plan aims to improve the safety, visual amenity and usability of the space for the community.

Projects in the plan will be funded by future grants which can be applied for by both Council and community groups.

Key features of the master plan

View the old bar park master plan

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We heard from Old Bar community members, park users, sporting groups, market enthusiasts, and anyone who uses the area, to find out how they use the area now, and how they want to in the future.

The master plan has been informed by the community feedback, in particular the layout of the new park has been designed to improve safety with the roads realigned around the park with extra parking areas. This will stop children from having to cross the road to go from the playground to bathroom amenities.

Learn more about what you told us

What you told us from August - October 2023. This feedback helped us develop the draft master plan.

exhibition period

The draft strategy was on public exhibition for community feedback from Monday 22 April until Monday 27 May 2024, where we received 150 formal submissions.

The feedback received from the community was considered and some changes were made to the draft plan.

The strategy was then adopted by the elected Council at the 24 July 2024 Ordinary Meeting.


Feedback from submissions was mainly commenting on different parts of the draft plan including parking, pedestrian circulation, roads, stormwater management, environment, buildings and structures, recreational improvements, the dog park as well as heritage, culture and art.

Changes in response to submissions

Based on the feedback received, the Old Bar Park master plan has had several amendments. All submissions along with the community feedback and change register can be viewed in the document section. The following is a summary of the changes have been made.


  • Remove parking and associated vehicular access behind 1 to 25 Old Bar Road
  • Expand existing parking between the Old Bar Pirates clubhouse and tennis courts
  • Traffic calming measures within the carparks
  • Addition of bollards at boundary of reserve to restrict vehicle access
  • Informal parking overflow spaces on the grassed areas near the Old Bar Airstrip

Pedestrian circulation

  • Amendment to lighting to address obtrusive lighting
  • Plan updated to show the location of the pedestrian crossing on Old Bar Road including provisions for kerb ramps

Roads and stormwater management

  • Plan updated so road alignment follows existing and intersection upgraded
  • Plan updated removing stormwater detention basins and associated outfall into the reserve

Recreational improvements

  • Plan updated to incorporate shaded seating structures and shade trees to spectator areas adjacent to sports fields
  • Additional BBQ and picnic areas
  • Plan updated to incorporate irrigation
  • Plan updated to include notes on landscape planting selection

Heritage, culture and art

  • Plan updated to include notes regarding the nature of public art, including consideration of a mural as part of new building
  • Plan updated to remove the fenced off-leash dog area. Council will consider alternative locations in Old Bar for a fenced off-leash dog area.

Fenced off-leash dog area

  • Plan updated to remove the fenced off-leash dog area. Council will consider alternative locations in Old Bar for a fenced off-leash dog area.


Please note, we will provide more dates on these timelines when they become available.
  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    16 August - 2 October 2023

    Community consultation open for feedback.

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Review the feedback

    We will review the community's feedback and develop a draft Old Bar Park Master Plan.

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    22 April - 27 May 2024

    Public exhibition period for the draft Old Bar Park Master Plan. The community will have the opportunity to provide feedback on this plan for 25 working days.

  • Timeline item 4 - complete

    Plan is finalised

    Plan is finalised and presented to Council to adopt

  • Timeline item 5 - active

    Seek funding

    Council seeks funding using the Old Bar Park master plan

Get in touch with us

Are you a community group wanting to provide more details, or anyone wanting to learn more about the project? Get in touch with us by emailing

We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which we work and live, the Gathang-speaking people and pay our respects to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who now reside in the MidCoast Council area. We extend our respect to elders past and present, and to all future cultural-knowledge holders.

Contact us


General enquiries - (02)7955 7777

Open Monday - Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm (excluding public holidays)

Full contact information

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We deliver benefits for our community in a way that adds value and builds trust.

Why we are engaging

We are committed to engaging with our community in a meaningful way to support decision making, plan for projects, and to strengthen our communities.

By inviting your participation, we aim to create a sense of belonging, connection and involvement, and ultimately greater ownership of decisions by the whole community.

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