
Open Space and Recreation Strategy

4 August 2023

The MidCoast Open Space and Recreation Strategy was adopted at the Council Meeting on Wednesday 26 July 2023.

exhibition period

The draft strategy was on public exhibition for community feedback from May - June 2023, where we received 60 formal submissions.

The feedback received from the community was considered and some changes were made to the draft document.

The strategy was then adopted by the elected Council at the 26 July 2023 Ordinary Meeting.

community Feedback

The feedback from the submissions touched on several key areas such as off-leash dog areas, trails and footpaths, beach access, and fencing at play spaces.

We took these individual requests relevant to the specific locations and have included them in the action plan, which can be found in the adopted strategy.

Check out the strategy

The strategy outlines how outdoor spaces in the region will be planned, maintained and delivered to 2035.