
This policy is to allow MidCoast Council to provide a Water Leak Allowance for concealed water leaks that meet set criteria. The policy aims to outline the responsibilities of water consumption and necessity of early detection of water leaks.

The Concealed Water Leak Allowance is a concession and applies to all customer types and will be property based. Only one application will be accepted as a result of a concealed leak at the same property and by the same owner regardless of whether it is a related event or separate concealed leak within a 10-year period other than for a declared emergency. If a customer moves to another property or owns more than one property, the allowance will be given once on each property within a 10-year period.

The customer is responsible for the maintenance and repair of their private water service.

MidCoast Council grants an allowance for water lost through a concealed or hidden leak in the private water service of customers. The allowance will be granted subject to criteria set out in the Policy Content section.

View the Policy below

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If you are having trouble viewing the document in the interactive PDF viewer, you may also download the full Draft Concealed Water Leak Allowance Policy in the Document library on this page.

How to have your say

The consultation has now ended. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback. All feedback with be reviewed by the project team.

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