Why are repairs needed?
Inspections of the structure have revealed some age / deterioration issues that require action. The main issue is due to the design of the structure that distributes loads from the girder to the piers over a small contact area.
Engineers checked Scotts Creek Bridge in July 2021 after a routine maintenance inspection showed some cracking and deterioration in the concrete that required investigation.
The checks included a visual inspection and laboratory testing of the concrete including:
- the deck and bridge superstructure from a boat,
- the side of the bridge,
- the piers below water level using divers, and
- the headstocks which transfer the load from the bridge to the pier via a platform.
A 15km/hour speed limit and single-lane access under traffic lights were put in place to ensure road safety whilst remediation works could be designed and implemented.
How will the bridge be repaired?
Scotts Creek Bridge will be undergoing repairs during 2022 and 2023 to ensure the bridge continues to provide safe road access to Mitchells Island.
Remediation work is focused on improving the load distribution capacity of the bridge.
The bridge repair works are being undertaken in two stages.
The first stage involves strengthening the load bearing connection between the bridge girders and piers by installing steel support beams on the underside of the bridge. Works are completed using a specially designed work platform that will be shifted to various piers as the work progresses. Single-lane traffic and reduced speed arrangements remain in place during stage one works.
The second stage involves further design, additional strengthening works and concrete repairs to protect the structure.
The two stages are required due to the complex nature of the strengthening and repair works required.
We thank you for your patience while these major works to the bridge are undertaken.
The first phase of work is now complete and the bridge is open to two-lane traffic.
There will be other works to complete during a second stage of works. Dates have not yet been determined.