About the planning proposal

Following a period of public exhibition during 2022, Council submited an amendment to the Great Lakes Local Environment Plan 2014 to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment for the gazettal of the rezoning of two sites on Wallis Lake.

This was gazetted by the NSW Government and the land was rezoned in early 2023.

Community feedback was sought during September-October 2022 on a draft planning proposal to rezone two sites from C3 Environmental Management to RE1 Public Recreation in order to match their current use.

The first site is land between Wallis Lake and the Pacific Palms Recreation Club, and the second is the Coomba Park Aquatic Club and its associated facilities. Both of these sites are owned by Crown land and are under the care and control of Council.

A Gateway Determination was issued by the NSW Department of Planning & Environment in August 2022 outlining that the draft Planning Proposal could proceed to public exhibition and designated Council as the Local Plan Making Authority.

In summary, the draft Planning Proposal sought to:

  • Amend the zoning from C3 – Environmental Management, to RE1 – Public Recreation for both sites.
  • Remove the Floor Space Ratio controls from both sites.
  • Remove the Minimum Lot Size controls from both sites.

At the ordinary meeting of 14 December 2022 submissions from the community were considered and a decision made to proceed with the rezoning. This was submitted to the NSW Department of Planning in December, with the Local Environment Plan amendments made in April 2023.

Location: Site 1 is part lot 380 DP 753168, part lot 2 DP 875579 (3957A-3957B, The Lakes Way, Elizabeth Beach, NSW, 2428) and, Site 2 is part lot 7008 DP 1075608 (Foreshore Reserve, Coomba Park, NSW, 2428).

Reference No: PP11/04

Wallis Lake Planning Proposal

Figure 1: Pacific Palms (Site 1) & Coomba Park (Site 2)


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Council decision

    23 March 2022

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Gateway determination

    18 August 2022

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    Pre-exhibition and agency referral

    12 September 2022

  • Timeline item 4 - complete

    Public exhibition period

    14 September - 26 October 2022

  • Timeline item 5 - complete

    Consideration of submissions

    November 2022

  • Timeline item 6 - complete

    Council decision

    14 December 2022

  • Timeline item 7 - complete

    Submission to the Department for finalisation

    Decemember 2022

  • Timeline item 8 - complete

    LEP amendment made

    February 2023