Planting 🌱

Water efficiency in the garden starts at the planning stage. Consider the following when thinking about setting up your garden:

Mulch 👨‍🌾


If you’re not putting mulch on your garden, you should be. Not only will your plants require less water, your garden will benefit in other ways as well.

Find out how to mulch your garden to maximise benefits

Hand watering 💧


While all plants have different watering needs, these simple time-tested tips will help you be efficient and effective when watering your lawn or garden.

Watering systems ⛲

Depending on the size and location of your garden, it may be more efficient and effective to water with a watering system rather than by hand.

Alternative water sources for your garden


Greywater is the used water from your bathroom, laundry and kitchen (but not your toilets). This can be a great source of water for your garden and lawn and there are a range of ways to capture and reuse it.

Want more water saving wisdom?