
2023 Waterway Report Card Released

6 December 2023

The 2023 Waterway Report Card was revealed this month. The results improve our understanding of the health of our rivers, lakes and estuaries and help us understand the patterns, trends and cycles of our waterways.

Of the sites sampled, 15 sites maintained the same grade from 2022. Three sites dropped a grade and only two sites improved their grade.

“The decrease in rainfall over the sampling period is the likely cause of an increase in algal growth, which influenced the grades this year.”

“Report Card grades continue to be influenced by the amount of rainfall and runoff from the catchment,” said Dr Rebecca Swanson, scientist at the Department of Planning and Environment.

“The decrease in rainfall over the sampling period is the likely cause of an increase in algal growth, which influenced the grades this year.”

“A focus for this year’s results is the impact of urban runoff on the water quality in our estuaries. Fertilised lawns, roads, pathways and roofs carry pollutants into our sensitive waterways,” said Dr Swanson.