We received valuable feedback from the community who voted on 17 proposed actions within Wingham Central Park.

Click the yellow dots in the image below to see how the community voted on each action.

An ariel view of Wingham Central Park

Please note: total results include both paper and digital submissions.

How we informed you

  • 337 local community members received a direct email

  • 700 Flyers distributed to local schools and businesses

  • Media including radio, newspapers and tv

How you had your say

  • 3 community pop-ups were attended by approximately 105 people

  • 7 stakeholder meetings were attended by approximately 11 people

  • 182 written submissions were received.

  • 3394 votes cast on proposed actions

The feedback received during this consultation will inform the final Wingham Central Park master plan. The plan will then be endorsed by Council.

Visit the project page

The full engagement outcomes report will soon be available on the Wingham Central Park Master Plan project page. Sign up to stay updated.