Ageing Strategy check in
Help us understand how well we're meeting the outcomes of the Ageing Strategy and guide our efforts moving forward.
With one of the oldest populations in Australia, an important priority for the MidCoast region is to ensure our region is great place where we can age well and live into the future.
The first step towards ensuring our towns and villages are age-friendly is to develop a comprehensive Ageing Strategy that guides MidCoast Council, other agencies and the community to work towards identified priorities.
In 2021, one of Council’s largest ever community consultations saw over 700 people aged over 50 participate in the development of the MidCoast Draft Ageing Strategy. This large response went a long way to ensure the Draft Ageing Strategy was representative of the whole community. The next step was to place the Draft Strategy on exhibition as a final check in with the community to ensure our Strategy is as robust as possible. The submissions made were used to inform any necessary changes to the Strategy and the final Strategy was sent to Council to be formally adopted.
MidCoast Council’s first Ageing Strategy was officially adopted by Council on 23 March 2022.
To view the document in full-screen in the interactive PDF viewer above, select the bracket icon at the bottom-right side the toolbar to enable full-screen.
Exhibition period
The MidCoast Ageing Strategy was on exhibition until 23 November 2021. Thank you to all those who provided submissions.