We asked our community to provide feedback to help us check in on the MidCoast Ageing Strategy. Consultation took place from Monday 2 September - Sunday 20 October 2024 across the MidCoast region.

We asked respondents to rate each of the focus areas in the Ageing Strategy on a scale of 1 to 5, so that check-in results could be compared to the benchmark scores established at the start of consultation in 2021.

What you told us

How people feel about ageing in the MidCoast

The general response to this question indicated a 4.3% decrease in satisfaction levels. Based on conversations with older individuals and their caregivers during the drop-in sessions, this decline can be attributed to:
  • Housing crisis

    Feeling uncertain about their long-term living arrangements

  • Access to health services

    Long lead times to see a GP and the need to travel outside the MidCoast for specialist appointments

  • Cost of living

    Increased stress to make ends meet.

Getting around the MidCoast area

The results indicated a 3.1% decrease in satisfaction with the ability to navigate the area.
  • Footpaths

    This is still a concern for older people, with respondents saying they walk on the road due to non-continuous, non-existent or uneven footpaths.

  • Bus stops

    Several responses called for improved bus stops in towns.

How we informed you


What are we doing:

We are checking in with our ageing community to see if we are achieving the outcomes in the MidCoast Ageing Strategy 2022-2026.

Why are we doing this:

With one of the oldest populations in Australia, an important priority for the MidCoast is to ensure our region is a great place where we can age well and live into the future.

How is my feedback used?

Your feedback will help us see how well we're meeting the outcomes of the Ageing Strategy and guide our efforts moving forward.