
The Delivery Program (2018-2022) and Operational Plan (2021-2022) is our commitment to our community on how and where funds will be spent, and what services and activities the community can expect to be delivered during the financial year.

This Plan was adopted by Council at the 30 June 2021 Ordinary Meeting. The final documents can be found on the MidCoast Council website.

View the Delivery Program (2018-2022) & Operational Plan (2021-2022) below

To view the Delivery Program (2018-2022) & Operational Plan (2021-2022) document in full-screen in the interactive PDF viewer above, select the bracket icon at the bottom-right side the toolbar to enable full-screen.

If you are having trouble viewing the document in the interactive PDF viewer, you may also download the full Delivery Program (2018-2022) & Operational Plan (2021-2022) in the Document library on this page.


At the Wednesday 28 April 2021 Ordinary Meeting, Council authorised the public exhibition of the following draft plans:

The Operational Plan is combined with the four year Delivery Program, and both link to MidCoast 2030: Shared Vision, Shared Responsibility – our community strategic plan.

The Delivery Program and Operational Plan are presented in a single document with the statement of revenue policy, alongside the annual budget and proposed schedule of fees and charges. The Operational Plan outlines a range of specific projects and measurement criteria that will serve as a delivery checklist for the upcoming year.

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