Why are we doing this?

During the Open Space and Recreation Strategy engagement in 2022, you told us that walking and cycling are amongst the most popular outdoor activities for MidCoast residents. 83% of MidCoast participants in community engagement told us they walk in our outdoor spaces, while 21% said they cycle on road and bike paths.

How is my feedback used?

It’s important we hear from you to make sure our Walk, Cycle and Trail-based Activity Strategy meets your needs now and into the future.

  • Drop a pin

    Use our interactive map below to vote on our proposed actions and share your current use and future ideas.

  • Connect another way

    If you prefer not to use our online survey, or know someone who would like to connect offline;

    Call and leave us a voicemail with your submission: 0419 980 566

    In person: at any of our customer service points across the region