Imagine an ongoing supply of nutrient rich compost for your garden.

Composting is good for the environment, and saves you money;

  • Why buy fertiliser when you can make your own?
  • Make use of your kitchen scraps and divert them from landfill
  • No need for harsh, chemical fertilisers
  • Composting helps with water retention, saving you money on your water bill
  • Enjoy a healthier garden and a bounty of fresh produce

Find out how to get involved;

We have partnered with Compost Revolution to offer MidCoast householders the opportunity to set-up a home composting system at heavily discounted prices. Enjoy up to 80% off the recommended retail price, with free delivery to your door, on your choice of compost bin, worm farm or bokashi bin.

Visit MidCoast Council's Compost Revolution to find out more. Watch the tutorial and place your order. Limit of one compost system per household.

This program is supported by the NSW EPA Waste Less, Recycle More initiative funded from the waste levy.

We're looking for local householders with kitchen scraps!

The idea is to work together to reduce the amount of food waste ending up in our landfills, and create a free source of rich, organic compost for our local community garden.

Community gardening

If you're lacking space, resources or motivation to create a garden at home, you can still keep your green thumbs by getting involved with one of the many local community gardens across the MidCoast region.

Check the list below to find your nearest community garden. You can contact them and for details on other ways to get involved.

Cundletown: Main Street (opposite the Post Office). Drop in and meet the team, phone Theo on 7903 2495 or email

Forster: Little Street (next to Forster Neighbourhood Centre). Drop in on a Tuesday morning, call 6555 4351 or email

Gloucester: The new Gloucester Community Garden is in District Park. For more information contact

Nabiac: 37 Nabiac Street (rear of Neighbourhood Centre). Email Joel at or call him on 0401 932 533

Taree: PCYC, 95 Commerce Street. For more information email Michelle at

Wingham: 4 Farquhar Street (rear of Manning Valley Neighbourhood Centre). For more information email

ShareWaste is a free service connecting people who would like to compost their kitchen scraps but lack access to necessary space and facilities.

ShareWaste connects people to recycle their organic waste, make more soil and grow produce. It bring together hosts (who receive organic waste) who are already composting, worm-farming or keeping chickens, with donors (who donate their organic waste) to process kitchen scraps into new soil.

Now you can divert waste from landfill while getting to know the people around you.

Go to to get started.

kids compost garden