From this project’s inception, we’ve worked with community through two consultation periods to develop the Wingham CBD master plan. A working party of Wingham residents and relevant stakeholders helped us finalise the details of the streetscape plan. The working party:
- selected a stretcher bond pattern for in footpath, similar to the path in front of the Wingham Museum
- selected the type of trees for placement in the CBD, and began the seedlings.
Local Aboriginal artists and the Manning Regional Art Gallery are exploring how cultural elements can be incorporated into the works.
Stage one of the CBD improvements, roadworks at the intersection of Bent and Farquhar Streets was completed in December 2023.
what's next
As resources and funding becomes available, we will progress the next stages of the Wingham CBD master plan. We will update you here as we implement the future stages.
Check OUT THE concept plans below
You can click on the image below to view the plans in full-screen.
Engagement Outcomes Report April-May 2021
Feedback received during Council’s ‘Community Conversations’ included a strong call for beautification of Wingham’s CBD area and streets, and so a steering committee was established to develop a local community plan. We also held a workshop with local business representatives and it has helped us prioritise and establish the CBD beautification masterplan, among other Wingham projects and plans.
Between Monday 7 December 2020 and Friday 5 February 2021, an extensive community consultation was undertaken to guide development of Wingham’s CBD Masterplan. Almost 18,000 people were reached via social media, there were two stories covered by local media, and numerous flyers distributed to local businesses. Nine pop-ups were held with 140 people dropping in, and there were 212 responses to the online survey and two submissions.
The Engagement Outcomes Report February 2021 outlines the community’s preferences to set the tone for the beautification, and includes elements such as the Central park wall replacement, the treatment of the intersection of Farquhar and Bent Streets, street tree selections and footpath materials.
At the 28 July 2021 Ordinary Meeting, Council resolved some key issues that concerned some residents. This positive outcome now means we’re able to develop detailed design plans for the CBD streetscaping, with the benefit of the feedback we’ve received on the draft plans. Check out the meeting minutes here.
A working party of Wingham residents helped Council’s project team select tree species for the CBD planting and the footpath pattern.
Check out the designs below

Outside McKeoughs Betta Electrical, Isabella Street

Outside Bent on Food, Isabella Street

Isabella Street entrance