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The draft Hallidays Point Place Strategy will provide a framework to guide planning and development decisions that will shape Hallidays Point for many years to come. It will guide conservation, open space, community infrastructure and development in Hallidays Point, including Black Head, Diamond Beach, Red Head and Tallwoods.


Since the phase one consultation activities were completed, the Department of Planning and Environment has announced it would establish Place Delivery Groups through their Place Delivery Group Program.

On 16 May 2023, we were advised that a Place Delivery Group will be formed for the preparation of the Hallidays Point Place Strategy. The Group will have representation from Council and key NSW Government Agencies.

The aim of the Group is to help align place strategies with the Hunter Regional Plan 2041 and realise on-the-ground outcomes. Once formally established, the group will prepare a project plan including timeframes.

The Department is preparing Place Strategy Environmental Assessment Requirements (PSEARs). The PSEARs will specify what issues are required to be addressed within the Place Strategy. This allows the Department to ensure that work on the Place Strategy is appropriately targeted so that an adequate assessment is provided, which accounts for specific environmental and network risks at a landscape scale.

The timeframe for completing a Place Strategy will depend on the scope of any additional work required, the complexity of the issues to be resolved, the adequacy of existing information, the community participation approach and the capacity of the Place Delivery Group to resource the development of the plan.

Learn more about what you told us

Your feedback is important to how we develop the draft Hallidays Point Place Strategy. Find out more about what you told us.


We have invited community input into this important strategy. We have completed the first phase of consultation and developed key themes. See the engagement snapshot here. We will use findings from these previous discussions with the community to inform the development of the strategy.

The Place Strategy will align with other MidCoast Council documents such as the Housing Strategy, Greening Strategy, Climate Change Policy, Urban Release Areas Report and Biodiversity Framework. It will also be informed by technical studies, including biodiversity, traffic, and bush fire. We are awaiting the completion of these technical studies prior to the next phase of consultation.

We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which we work and live, the Gathang-speaking people and pay our respects to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who now reside in the MidCoast Council area. We extend our respect to elders past and present, and to all future cultural-knowledge holders.

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