
July update 2023

10 July 2023

Since the phase one consultation activities were completed, the Department of Planning and Environment has announced it would establish Place Delivery Groups through their Place Delivery Group Program.

On 16 May 2023, we were advised that a Place Delivery Group will be formed for the preparation of the Hallidays Point Place Strategy. The Group will have representation from Council and key NSW Government Agencies.

The aim of the Group is to help align place strategies with the Hunter Regional Plan 2041 and realise on-the-ground outcomes.

We are awaiting further advice from the Department on the establishment of the Place Delivery Group. Once formally established, the group will prepare a project plan including timeframes.

The timeframe for completing a Place Strategy will depend on the scope of any additional work required, the complexity of the issues to be resolved, the adequacy of existing information, the community participation approach and the capacity of the Place Delivery Group to resource the development of the plan.