Thank you for your participation in the second round (January to March 2023) of engagement on the MidCoast Aboriginal Action Plan.

Based on the initial feedback and engagement we drafted the plan and went back to the community for their feedback on the content of the draft plan.

This snapshot gives an overview of the responses to the key topics and how people got involved.

Our community's top priorities

Overall, you indicated that there is more work to do to improve the outcomes for Aboriginal people on the MidCoast across all the key priority areas. The top priorities were:

  • Improved consultation process

  • Work with local Aboriginal groups and people

  • Local multipurpose spaces

  • Local and specific cultural awareness training

  • Improved care for Aboriginal special sites

What's next

A detailed Engagement Outcomes Report will soon be available outlining all feedback received.

We are currenlty working on the final Aboriginal Action Plan, considering all the feedback was received across both rounds of engagement.

The final Aboriginal Action Plan will be presented to Council for endorsement in the coming months.

engagement outcomes 2022

See the outcomes of our first round of engagment