View our Draft MidCoast Community Strategic Plan 2022-2032

The MidCoast Community Strategic Plan – Shared Vision, Shared Responsibility- outlines the vision, community objectives and supporting strategies which will guide our long-term decision making.

First developed in 2018, after extensive consultation with the community it is our key strategic planning document. It is reviewed every four years, following an election.

This review has been informed by the experiences of our community over the past four years, and specific engagement we undertook late last year to ensure it still reflects the priorities and concerns of the community.

The document outlines four outcome areas:

  • A resilient and socially connected community
  • An integrated and considered approach to manage our natural and build environment
  • Thriving and strong economy
  • Strong leadership and good governance
  • Strategic objectives that align directly and explicitly to the Quadruple Bottomline (Social, Environment, Economic Development and Civic Leadership).
  • The role that Council plays in the delivery of each strategy and the partners that have a role by including a column “Council’s Role” where it is clearly indicated whether Council is a provider, partner, advocate etc.
  • More relevant and accurate performance measures to make it easier to determine whether objectives are being achieved.

Although Council takes responsibility for leading the process for developing the plan, and has a major role in delivering the plan, the plan belongs to the whole community and everyone has a role to play in ensuring that we move forward toward our vision.

The revised Community Strategic Plan now clearly shows:

  • Strategic objectives that align directly and explicitly to the Quadruple Bottomline (Social, Environment, Economic Development and Civic Leadership).
  • The role that Council plays in the delivery of each strategy and the partners that have a role by including a column “Council’s Role” where it is clearly indicated whether Council is a provider, partner, advocate etc.
  • More relevant and accurate performance measures to make it easier to determine whether objectives are being achieved.

We welcomed your feedback on this final draft.

View the Draft MidCoast Community Strategic Plan 2022-2032 below

To view the Draft MidCoast Community Strategic Plan 2022-2032 document in full-screen in the interactive PDF viewer above, select the bracket icon at the bottom-right side the toolbar to enable full-screen.

If you are having trouble viewing the document in the interactive PDF viewer, you may also download the full Draft MidCoast Council Community Strategic Plan 2022-2032 as a PDF file on this page.

How to have your say

The consultation has now ended. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback. All feedback will be reviewed by the project team.

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