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The Delivery Program translates the goals from the Community Strategic Plan into clear actions and is the guiding document for all activities undertaken by Council over a four-year period and outlines how we will approach the focus areas.

The Operational Plan 2024-2025 spells out the detail of the Delivery Program. It lists what Council intends to do this financial year and how those things will be funded. It also includes our annual budget and our fees and charges.

Focus areas

The Delivery Program and Operational Plan outlines seven focus areas:

We are investing in renewable energy, seeking greater energy efficiency across our facilities, and educating the community about reducing waste and environmental impact.

Supporting and promoting the delivery of an exceptional customer experience across all our services is one of our highest priorities. Our Business Transformation Program will continue to roll out, helping us increase business efficiency through technology and provide better value for money from our services.

We have a focus on our long-term financial sustainability to ensure that our spending and investment is responsible and sustainable into the future.

We are adopting recommendations from the Housing Barriers Review to improve our approval processes and collaborate more effectively across departments.

Roads and bridges are one of our community’s highest priorities and we have a number of major projects to improve our local and regional roads during 2024-25. We will be spending a total of $35,590,926 on our roads during this period.

We are focusing on building and sustaining the economic growth of our region. We are doing this through the delivery of our Economic Development Strategy and Destination Management Plan 2030 which guides the direction of a sustainable and profitable tourism industry.

Our commitment to culture through improved recognition and visibility of Aboriginal cultural heritage and expanding delivery of community arts and culture programs. Major cultural projects for 2024/25 include strengthening local arts and creative industries through a local grants program; activating public spaces with arts, performance and creative outreach programs across the region; and delivering a feasibility study for new cultural infrastructure dedicated to local Aboriginal culture.

View the draft Documents

Council authorised the public exhibition of the draft plan which includes:

  • The draft Delivery Program 2022-2026
  • The draft Operational Plan 2024-2025
  • The draft Budget 2024-25

To view the document in full-screen in the interactive PDF viewer above, select the bracket icon at the bottom-right side the toolbar to enable full-screen.

If you are having trouble viewing the document in the interactive PDF viewer, you may also download the documents below.

What guides our plans?

A number of documents inform our Delivery Program and Operational Plan.

What is the 2024-2025 budget?

The 2024‐2025 budget projects that Council will receive income from continuing operations of $341 million which consists of:

  • $181 million in rates and annual charges
  • $59 million in user charges and fees
  • $12 million in interest and investment revenues
  • $7 million in other revenues
  • $34 million in operating grants and contributions, and
  • $48 million received for capital works through grants and contributions

Operating expenditure is projected to total $303 million which includes:

  • $96 million in employee costs
  • $8 million in borrowing costs (interest repayments)
  • $91 million in depreciation on community assets, and
  • $108 million in materials, contracts and other expenses

Council will undertake a capital works program of approximately $153 million which includes $68 million on transport infrastructure assets (roads, bridges, drainage, footpaths etc). This amount includes a final $11.5 million of works under the $100 million Road Program that Council is undertaking in partnership with the State Government. This will complete this Program.

Expenditure of $35 million on sewer infrastructure and $27 million on water infrastructure is also proposed for 2024‐2025.

Council will borrow approximately $4.5 million towards the construction of the Cedar Party Creek Bridge at Wingham. At the same time, it will reduce the principal outstanding on existing borrowings by $20 million.

Further details on the budgets allocated to Council’s 30 service areas can be found in the Service Statement section of the Delivery Program & Operational Plan.

We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which we work and live, the Gathang-speaking people and pay our respects to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who now reside in the MidCoast Council area. We extend our respect to elders past and present, and to all future cultural-knowledge holders.

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General enquiries - (02)7955 7777

Open Monday - Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm (excluding public holidays)

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We deliver benefits for our community in a way that adds value and builds trust.

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We are committed to engaging with our community in a meaningful way to support decision making, plan for projects, and to strengthen our communities.

By inviting your participation, we aim to create a sense of belonging, connection and involvement, and ultimately greater ownership of decisions by the whole community.

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